"Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God, for to You I pray." Psalm 5:2
As Paul is returning to the hospital tonight to take me to visit Jude in the NICU, I received this text from Abi, "I walked into the kitchen and heard Ruby talking in her bed. I listened to find she was actually praying for Jude. Bella was sitting up next to her with her eyes closed. So sweet."
Cherished moments...there have been so many. Like the eve before Jude's birth when I was working late on some last minute nesting. Each of the "littles" were to only pack one small container of toys to bring to Charlottesville. As I was straightening up John's container, which consisted of Legos and a few unidentifiables, I found an early ultrasound picture of Jude that a sweet boy had faithfully kept next to his bed when praying for his little brother. He remembered to bring it with him here, as if he wasn't quite convinced there would ever be anything more. I'll continue to cherish these moments as we go.
Today was full of the "unexpected." This morning I answered a call from a daddy crying tears of joy as he stood in the NICU next to another sweet boy who was opening his eyes for the very first time.
Later, when I arrived in the NICU, I handed Jude's nurse the bird-size collection of colostrum I had retrieved earlier this morning so she could freeze it for later use. She surprised me when she asked me to put .2 ml in each side of Jude's mouth to wet his cheeks and give him a boost. I can't tell you what that meant to a mama who has refrained from even touching her baby due to the agitation it might cause him! His nurse assured me he would like it and I melted with excitement! When I finished, Jude opened his eyes for me for the very first time. Sigh...
Jude had a good day. His meds are being lowered already. One was dropped completely because his left ventricle is already strengthening allowing surgery to possibly be scheduled for next Tuesday or Thursday. Though he is still under heavy sedation, they did reduce that drug from a 4 back to 3.5. Also, the oxygen on his ventilator has been reduced from 32% to 21% which indicates his lungs are doing a good job.
Doctors remind us things can change quickly for these little people but the goal is to keep him as stable as possible prior to his operation while he adjusts from being in the womb to being in the world. I still have only a small understanding of these things but the doctors are well pleased with his progress.
We think it was entirely appropriate when earlier today someone asked, "How is the little warrior?" Jude's progress is an answer to prayer. As I turn in tonight, I look forward to having some special "one on one" time with each of our other six warriors tomorrow. ~Jen